Friday, January 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping .

$98.38 [A Week] $245.95 [A Month]

My monthly cost for groceries is $245.95 and my weekly cost is $98.38. I don’t really think there is a way for me to cut back on so I wouldn’t change my list. I think that I wouldn’t need as much every time I go grocery shopping so sometimes my cost would be higher and lower. That could how I would be cutting back; by decreasing what I buy. I would have more than enough money to buy all my groceries for the month.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Home Sweeet Home.

If I worked at as a great, photographer after going to art school and all that nonsense; I could actually get $80,000.00 starting off. Soo I decided I’d move to Canton. I like the space around there. So I got a condo for $709.00 a month. It has two bed rooms, two bathrooms, a padio, pool and other things like that. My gas will be $221.00, electrictiy is $70.00 and water would be $100.00. So that would add up to be $391.00 a month. My phone bill sould be around $100.00 internet & cable together would be $90.00. My car payment a month would be $288.00. That would all add up to $1,187.00. My car insurance would be $82.00 a month. My health insurance would be $50.00. So a month I would pay (on everything) $3,055.00. And for extra money I would get $2,545.00. Well that still wouldn’t be money I could use on things I want. I would still need to buy grocery’s, gas in my car, and things such like that. So I think I should take out like another $200.00 for extra fee’s like that. Well i probably need more money then that but ohhh welll. So in the end I should have around $2,300.00 left to spend. Which isn’t that bad. I would be very happy with that. 

My Car.

Well for the car of my choice I chose 2009 Black Ford Escape. It’s $21.020 all together. I would only pay about $290.00 a month. I wanted this car because I know that it’s a good car. And I like the way it looks. Plus it’s pretty simple and it’s in my range of money. So that's my car.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Naughty & Nice.

One time when I was nice, I helped my mom go shopping for other people for Christmas. Like it was really hard cause I wasn’t shopping for myself and I didn’t wanna make my mom mad for asking for things so I didn’t nag. It was really hard for me but I did it. Another time I was nice was when I helped my friend’s mom shop for my friend. Like it was fun but hard at the same time. I helped her out a lot! So that was another good / nice thing I did. Oh and another nice thing I did was be patient when my brother has practice. It’s boring but I was patient though soo yeah I was nice then too. So those are like the only times i could think of that I've been nice.

One time I was naughty I lied to my mom when I said I was going to my friend’s house when I was really going to meet up with a bunch of people. She never found out but then it kind of slipped out of my mouth. It wasn’t a big deal though so it was alright. Another time I was naughty was when I made fun of this girl I didn’t know. I know it’s was really mean but it was like really hilarious at the time. I knew it would hurt her feelings but I guess I wasn’t really thinking at the time. And another time I was naughty was when I was talking back t Mr. Johnson. It was really rude but soo funny at the time. I don’t think he likes me very much now but oh well. I have many other naughty stories but I don’t really wanna talk about those times. Haha. Kay bye.