Wednesday, May 5, 2010

8 Rules I Live By

8 rules I live by:
- Never regret something you do.
I think that when you do something, you do it for a reason. You have t always own up to what you do, no matter how bad or hurtful it is. You can’t always take back the things you say or do. I may not always think about the stuff I do or say but I always know that I did what I did and said what I said with a purpose. I tend not to say sorry because if I did, then I’d be lying. I mean, I could do things out of line at points, and say mean and hurtful things, but honestly I do mean 99.9% of the things I say.
- Don’t rely on others so much.
I tend to think, why ask someone to do something when you can do it on your own. As a person, you’re not always gunna have someone to help you out every time you’re in trouble. So you need to learn how to take care of things, on your own. This doesn’t mean give up on others, but just try not to count on having them there 24/7.

- No matter what, try not to give up
Things will always get hard. That’s just how life is. Giving up is the hardest thing not to do. Some people tend to think, well I can never complete this and there is no point to even trying; well that’s how I try not to see things. In some situations, you have to give up but I always try to try my darn best to work things out.
- Family always comes first
Family to me is the most important thing to me. It means more to me than anything I could want in the world. There people I would never trade for the world. I’m always there for them as they are always here for me. No matter where we’re at, we will always have each other. I respect every single one of my family members, and if anyone of them needed help, I would be there for them in a heartbeat. There is no one else or group of people that mean more to me then them.
- Don’t let anyone, know your true feelings
When I say this, I think about getting hurt. I think if you let someone in and they get to know you well enough and let them know your true heartfelt feelings, then you’re bound to get hurt. That’s the only way I can ever see getting hurt in the most hurtful way. I don’t trust many people because I don’t think that everyone is 100% real. I’ve met some really hurtful people and at the time I didn’t know that but I let them know how I truly felt. The next thing I know, feelings were hurt, friends were lost, and tears were shed. So I never under any circumstances let anyone know what I really am feeling.
- Don’t think so much about the past, and think more about the future.
The past is the past, move on. Yes, thinking about great memories is fine but all the bad stuff and hurtful things just get over it. If you think too much about the past then I don’t think you can truly live a good, fun life. You can make your future how you want it to be. Don’t make a repeat of the mistakes you made, and a great way not to do that is to just think about how great you want things to go for you. I just say, let go and move on!

- Don’t cry over the stupid stuff so try and laugh it off
Crying sucks. Try not to do it. When you can, just things about the better things in your life and don’t worry about the small stupid stuff. You will go into the future and think about that it wasn’t so much to worry about so don’t waste your time now.

- Live everyday like it’s your last
You only live one life. Might as well make the best of it. Do things you wouldn’t normally do. You can’t live life in regret. If you don’t do what you want now, you won’t be able to do it later. Just do what makes you happy, even it if it breaks the rules! ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Weekend In My Life .

It’s just a regular Friday at Stevenson High School. The bell rings at 2:19. I rush to my locker to get my stuff and hurry out of the school. As I hop in the car, I start to text my friends; usually Derek, JB, or Benny. I see who’s doing what this weekend. It’s usually, Benny’s having people over and staying there till Sunday night, Derek and JB are always together; having a party every other weekend or just with a bunch of people over there house. As in this weekend I am going over JB’s house. I texted my friends early this week (Thursday) and I wanted to plan my weekend out ahead of time. Whenever I go over Derek’s house, we always have to bring people. So our group is always the same people. Derek, JB, Anthony, Ali, Olivia, Chris, Kenny, Ryan, and me. It’s always so much fun when I’m with them. So after school today I will go home and get all my stuff ready. Like a girl, I need to plan out my outfit and get all my makeup and stuff like that packed. I will stay home on Friday because I really don’t feel like doing anything today. But when Saturday comes, I’m gone!

On Saturday morning, I will get up. Possibly go to breakfast with my mom then go to the mall. Come home, and then get ready. I will go pick up Anthony, Chris, and Ryan then head over to Derek’s. When we get there we will usually talk for a while and just chill. The guys always try to do stupid stuff and be funny, but someone always ends up getting hurt. Haha. By the time of two or three in the morning, people start to settle down and relax, then soon fall asleep. When Sunday rolls around, everyone wakes up around like one o’clock. We all relax for the rest of the day till nine or ten o’clock. Then everyone will head home till the next weekend rolls around. It might not seem like fun but trust me, when you’re there you’ll have the greatest time of your life. And that’s a promise.<3

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day ;*

I love many things and people, but my love for them is very different. I love my phone a lot. I don’t think I can even go an hour without my phone, but I don’t love that nearly as much as the people in my life. One of the people or should say peoples is my family. I love them so much. I could never do without their love and support. They’re there for me no matter what, and I’m the same way for them. I just love them no matter what.

But the one of the people in my family relates to me more than anyone I have ever met in my life; my mom. She is seriously like my mother, my best friend, and my other half. She’s the only one that can make me smile when I’m upset, comfort me through my worst, and she is like the only one that can really put up with me. She can never truly be mad at me, even if she tries her hardest. She tries to relate to me when I make mistakes. She knows that I try my best and she only wants the best for me. She is an amazing person, and I love her greatly. She is my one and only hero <3>

Another person that I’d say I love is my best friend, Olivia. She’s been my friend ever since the sixth grade. When I was in the eighth grade we became even closer. She’s seriously like the sister I’ve never had. I trust her with anything and everything. I tell her everything! We fight sometimes but in the end, it doesn’t really matter. She will always have my back and I will always have hers. I love her to death <3>

And another person that I can honestly say I love is my really close friend, Tyler. I’ve known him for a year and a half now, and I feel like I’ve known him forever. He’s is one of my best friends that I know I can go to him with anything. I talk to him about a bunch of stuff that I feel like I can’t tell anyone else. He’s been here for me at my worst and he has never left my side. I know he really does care about me. That’s why I love him so much. It seems like he is my better half. He knows so much about me, he is so much like me. I just think we’re just really great ‘friends’ <3 [My Valentine’s ;* ]

Friday, January 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping .

$98.38 [A Week] $245.95 [A Month]

My monthly cost for groceries is $245.95 and my weekly cost is $98.38. I don’t really think there is a way for me to cut back on so I wouldn’t change my list. I think that I wouldn’t need as much every time I go grocery shopping so sometimes my cost would be higher and lower. That could how I would be cutting back; by decreasing what I buy. I would have more than enough money to buy all my groceries for the month.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Home Sweeet Home.

If I worked at as a great, photographer after going to art school and all that nonsense; I could actually get $80,000.00 starting off. Soo I decided I’d move to Canton. I like the space around there. So I got a condo for $709.00 a month. It has two bed rooms, two bathrooms, a padio, pool and other things like that. My gas will be $221.00, electrictiy is $70.00 and water would be $100.00. So that would add up to be $391.00 a month. My phone bill sould be around $100.00 internet & cable together would be $90.00. My car payment a month would be $288.00. That would all add up to $1,187.00. My car insurance would be $82.00 a month. My health insurance would be $50.00. So a month I would pay (on everything) $3,055.00. And for extra money I would get $2,545.00. Well that still wouldn’t be money I could use on things I want. I would still need to buy grocery’s, gas in my car, and things such like that. So I think I should take out like another $200.00 for extra fee’s like that. Well i probably need more money then that but ohhh welll. So in the end I should have around $2,300.00 left to spend. Which isn’t that bad. I would be very happy with that. 

My Car.

Well for the car of my choice I chose 2009 Black Ford Escape. It’s $21.020 all together. I would only pay about $290.00 a month. I wanted this car because I know that it’s a good car. And I like the way it looks. Plus it’s pretty simple and it’s in my range of money. So that's my car.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Naughty & Nice.

One time when I was nice, I helped my mom go shopping for other people for Christmas. Like it was really hard cause I wasn’t shopping for myself and I didn’t wanna make my mom mad for asking for things so I didn’t nag. It was really hard for me but I did it. Another time I was nice was when I helped my friend’s mom shop for my friend. Like it was fun but hard at the same time. I helped her out a lot! So that was another good / nice thing I did. Oh and another nice thing I did was be patient when my brother has practice. It’s boring but I was patient though soo yeah I was nice then too. So those are like the only times i could think of that I've been nice.

One time I was naughty I lied to my mom when I said I was going to my friend’s house when I was really going to meet up with a bunch of people. She never found out but then it kind of slipped out of my mouth. It wasn’t a big deal though so it was alright. Another time I was naughty was when I made fun of this girl I didn’t know. I know it’s was really mean but it was like really hilarious at the time. I knew it would hurt her feelings but I guess I wasn’t really thinking at the time. And another time I was naughty was when I was talking back t Mr. Johnson. It was really rude but soo funny at the time. I don’t think he likes me very much now but oh well. I have many other naughty stories but I don’t really wanna talk about those times. Haha. Kay bye.